
Best Wishes for Success

Welcome back! Last week we discussed how strategic communication professionals and others alike could measure success. As often noted, this blog’s reoccurring theme has been about communication. We have discussed many topics related to strategic communications this last term however, I would like to highlight the ones I found most important for success.   The topics include interpersonal influence, effective communication through leadership, and vision. Interpersonal communication is something we do daily, and which has a great influence over us. When we communicate with someone who is close to us, we have the chance to influence them. Through social media platforms, word of mouth marketing is a great tool to use for influencing others. Think back to the example about the home-based businesses. We are much more willing to purchase something based on the opinion of those we know versus those we do not. Therefore, organizations can succeed by engaging and working with a...

Measuring Success

Welcome back! Throughout this blog we have talked largely about strategic communications and leadership and how incorporating these two skills can help communication professionals become successful. In this week’s post, we will expand on that and I will help you try to measure your success. Like most things in life, using strategic communications within your organization must be assessed and measured for accountability and success. You would not want to continue a path if it were not conducive to your organization’s goals, would you? Below, we will talk about ways to measure success in communication campaigns to include body language, information overload, and analysis. First, as Carol Kinsey Goman notes in her article , “effective leadership depends on the ability to inspire and positively impact people”.   Every great leader needs to understand that body language is another form of communication. It is a form of non-verbal communication and is just as important as ver...

Crisis Management

Welcome back! If you have noticed throughout my posts, the general theme throughout has been communication. More so, communication and leadership strategies. This week’s topic of crisis communication plays a significant role for communication leaders, especially when it comes to strategy. Like many other things, strategy and planning are crucial when it comes to crisis management.   According to Bryan Strawser , “the goal of crisis management is to have a system in place to effectively address the coordinated response, resources, and internal and external communication requirements during and after the negative situation”. Have you ever heard the phrase “failure to plan is planning to fail”? Organizations who take a proactive approach to crisis management fare much better than their counterparts who wait until a crisis ensues before they think about management and response.   Crisis, regardless of size, are inevitable, especially with the presence of social media. ...

Effective Messaging and Placement

Welcome back! If you are just tuning in, last week we discussed visionary leadership and how the organization greatly benefits from leaders with vision. This week, we will discuss leadership in message development and strategic placement.   Remember, it is the job of the strategic communication professional to understand and promote the organization in an effective way. In other words, strategic communication creates a clear line of sight between communication activities (message development and placement) and the organizations goals.   As we noted last week, a visionary leader takes the organization on a new, uncharted path into the future. A path filled with great innovation and potential.  Once the vision has been clearly identified and communicated to employees, the organization’s marketing strategy can begin to take shape. With an established message, the communication professional can effectively communicate it to the organization’s targeted audience. g2m S...

Leading the visionary way!

In last week’s blog post, we discussed effective communication and how it equates to leadership. Besides effective communication skills, can you think of another thing most successful leaders have in common? What comes to mind? If you said vision, you are not wrong. Of course, without great communication skills, one might not be able to express his vision. In particularly, vision is what differs between management and leadership. Although many people use management and leadership synonymously, they are in fact quite different. Simply put, managers manage and leaders lead. However, they both play vital roles among the organization. The role of management is to manage employees and daily tasks while producing a consistent quality product. In contrast, a professional in a leadership role, creates a vision that produces a positive change through empowering employees. Stock photo. So, just what exactly is a vision? The good news is it is a learned skilled and quite possibly the m...

Effective communication equates leadership

As my blog title implies, this week’s posting is centered around the topic: communicate to lead. Good leaders understand the value of good communication skills and know that in order to effectively lead they must possess great communication skills. I read many articles this week regarding internal and external communications.   Are you noticing a pattern here? I hope to convey to my readers the importance communication plays in our lives, every day. Strategic communications play an even greater role. As Tricia Nolfi explains , “strategic communications create a clear line of sight between communication activities and the organization’s goals”.   One of the readings this week centered on a public relations crisis that irrupted from a 2011 poisoning of two iconic oak trees on the campus of Auburn University.   A crazed, “self-proclaimed loyal” Alabama fan called into a local radio show and admittedly professed his motives for engaging in such an act. He claimed, his a...

DM is the New Office Space

Information in an instant! Sounds great doesn’t it? Why delay gratification when you can get everything you want instantaneously, at your fingertips or arriving on your doorstep within a few hours. The culture surrounding social media is this urge for an instantaneous response, instantaneous gratification, and Instagram! There is a new world awaiting communication professionals and it’s called Social Media. This new normal is here to stay according to In their article, The Rise of Social Media , they found that the percentage of US adults who use social media increased to 79% in 2019. What’s even greater is the rate of diffusion seen on a global scale, which users have surged to around 30% in 2018. Although, since you’re here reading my blog, chances are you already know this. However, what you may find interesting is how communication professionals can adjust to this new normal. Strategic communication professionals can succeed in this new culture by re...